Consejos simples para que tu bigote se vea legítimo.


Lo primero es lo primero, tendrá que desarrollar una base sólida antes de comenzar a moldear su bigote. Ya sea que lo estés cultivando para Movember o te pongas en contacto con tu Dali interno, querrás dejarlo pasar unas buenas 4-6 semanas.


Ahora que tiene algo con lo que trabajar, debe considerar el ambiente que está buscando sacar, por lo que debe encontrar una musa de bigote antes de sacar las tijeras e imprimir su inspiración para usarla como guía. Hablando de tijeras, para mantener su colador de sopa adecuado, necesitará las herramientas adecuadas. Estas son esas herramientas:

  • Un buen espejo
  • Tijeras bigote / barba
  • Peine de bigote
  • Cera de bigote
  • Una chaqueta de fumar de satén de color carmesí (no completamente necesaria, pero tampoco totalmente necesaria)

Productos NIVEA Men para ti


Para aquellos nuevos en el 'stache', se darán cuenta de que la preparación diaria es imprescindible, ya que la comida y cualquier otra cosa que se acerque a su cara quedará atrapada allí, y puede volverse bastante desagradable bastante rápido. Un bigote necesita la misma cantidad de tiempo y atención que el pelo en la cabeza. Lávelo regularmente con NIVEA MEN Sensitive Shaving Foam, al como lo haría con un champú diario. Este paso no solo mantendrá el cabello y la piel en buenas condiciones, sino que ayudará a eliminar toda la suciedad / contaminación / desayuno que una barba probablemente acumule durante 24 horas.
Aquellos que se dejan crecer el bigote por primera vez pueden notar que puede picar bastante en las primeras etapas. Use un gel humectante como NIVEA MEN Sensitive Shaving Gel, para ayudar a calmar esa sensación de "rasguño" e hidratar la piel subyacente. Crucialmente, la fórmula del gel no dejará un residuo desagradable en su bigote. Fácil. Y antes de realizar cualquier recorte, asegúrese de dejarlo secar ya que el cabello mojado colgará más bajo y puede provocar un recorte excesivo. En cuanto al recorte, si está invadiendo su boca, córtelo, de lo contrario déjelo. Para los toques finales, tome su peine y cera; un poco ayuda mucho, así que asegúrese de usar con moderación. Trabaja la cera desde el centro de tu 'stache' hacia las puntas y termina con tu peine de bigote. Hecho.



Now that you've learned how to grow and maintain the 'stache, here's a few styles with a little more flair, if you're feeling daring.

The Pencil
This thin and narrow style appears much like it sounds: as if drawn on by a pencil just above the lip. The likes of Carey Grant have rocked this Old Hollywood style, and it's been making a comeback in some necks of the woods; but be careful sporting this look, not all men can pull it off with such grace. Keep it trimmed short and neat and be mindful of how much gap you leave between the nose and mustache. An overly thinned-out look may not be quite what you're going for, unless you are, in which case, props sir.

The Horseshoe
A contemporary and thicker version of the evil genius classic - the Fu Manchu, the horseshoe is hardly a clever name. An inverted horseshoe graces the upper lip and grows vertically down the sides of the mouth. While this style definitely stands out in a crowd, it takes some serious whisker talent to grow a style of this magnitude, so give it a couple of months of growth to reach its awesome potential.

The Handlebar
Similar to the Horseshoe, the handlebar grows down, but relies more on length of the upper lip, than hair growing below the mouth. This means NO trimming. The real style arrives from parting the mustache in the center, combing it outwards and applying wax while twisting the hair upwards and inwards to create that classic curl on those longer tendrils. This style really shows your commitment to facial fauna, so take it seriously, keep it maintained and you will most certainly be a dashing sight to behold!

The Chevron
This manly mustache style was largely popularized by Magnum P.I., hence its nickname 'The Magnum'. Unfortunately for some, this style requires that you come from a solid gene pool capable of growing the hair required for this thick 'stache. This style consists of a wide mustache that covers the full upper lip, from end to end and shaving the hairs that form above the mustache into a slightly inverted 'V'-shape or, as the name implies, a chevron. This simple style requires little maintenance and wears rather well without the need for precision trimming, allowing for a more rugged, bushy appearance.

The Hungarian
Imagine the Handle Bar mustache on steroids. Got it? Yep, that's the Hungarian. The mustache of all mustaches, we're talking some serious facial strutting here. This mustache requires volume. A lot of volume. This means months of patient growing, but trust us - it's worth it. Dating back to European warriors, this style commands respect, or at the very least envy, from your 'stached bretheren. You can use full artistic freedom and style it to the next level, or keep it full and in its classic shape. The way you style it, the length or extension of the ends is up to the grower.

Now that you've learned how to grow and maintain the 'stache, here's a few styles with a little more flair, if you're feeling daring.